Revolta negra em Baltimore EUA

Livestream: Ndreds assistir funeral de freddie cinza. Cinza, 25, morreu depois de sofrer uma lesão vertebral durante uma prisão nas mãos da polícia baltimore há duas semanas.

Tudo começou quando a policia matou covardemente um jovem negro de 25 anos.

A população se revoltou, e a situação tem saí do controle.
mais informação da equipe de jornalista  do News One.

- Clash Police Com Juventude, Desligar Sistema de Trânsito
Stream: Protestos em Baltimore - Clash Police Com Juventude, Desligar Sistema de Trânsito
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27 de abril de 2015 por Christina Coleman
Protestos Polícia Baltimore Freddie Cinza
Fonte: Alex Wong / Getty
Após a queima de uma loja CVS local e confrontos aguçados, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declarou estado de emergência em Baltimore e ativou a Guarda Nacional para ajudar a polícia, EUA Hoje relatórios.
Durante uma conferência de imprensa segunda-feira à noite, prefeito de Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake chamou os manifestantes "thugs", acrescentando que as autoridades não permitem que os indivíduos para destruir propriedade da cidade.

A 22:00-05:00 toque de recolher foi imposto a partir terça-feira. Pelo menos 15 policiais ficaram feridos nos confrontos e dois estão hospitalizados a partir de segunda-feira. Escolas da cidade de Baltimore estão fechados terça-feira eo Baltimore Orioles adiado um jogo noite segunda-feira com o Chicago White Sox. Segundo a EUA Hoje, mais de duas dezenas de pessoas foram presas por saques lojas, incluindo a farmácia CVS agora carbonizado, e jogando objetos contra policiais. Um grande incêndio foi também situado perto de uma igreja batista.

História em desenvolvimento ...
A tensão entre a polícia e os moradores de Baltimore continuou-feira seguinte ao funeral de Freddie Gray, o homem de 25 anos que morreu de uma grave lesão na medula espinhal após uma prisão no início deste mês.
Confrontos entre polícia e estudantes intensificaram ontem à tarde, o Washington Post relatórios. De acordo com a Transit Administration Maryland, o Mondawmin e Penn Estações de Metro do Norte foram fechadas até nova ordem.

Uma grande porcentagem de alunos em Baltimore deslocamento à escola em transporte da cidade, deixando muitos encalhados em uma área de alta atividade policial.

Home » Nation » LIVESTREAM: Protests In Baltimore – Police Clash With Youth, Shut Down Transit System
LIVESTREAM: Protests In Baltimore – Police Clash With Youth, Shut Down Transit System
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Apr 27, 2015 By Christina Coleman
Baltimore Police Freddie Gray protests
Source: Alex Wong / Getty
Following the burning of a local CVS store and heightened clashes, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has declared a state of emergency in Baltimore and has activated the National Guard to assist police, USA Today reports.
During a Monday evening press conference, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called the protestors “thugs,” adding that authorities would not allow individuals to destroy the city’s property.

A 10 p.m. to 5 p.m. curfew has been imposed starting Tuesday. At least 15 police officers were injured in the clashes and two are hospitalized as of Monday evening. Baltimore city schools are closed Tuesday and the Baltimore Orioles postponed a Monday night game with the Chicago White Sox. According to USA Today, more than two dozen people have been arrested for looting stores, including the now-charred CVS pharmacy, and throwing objects at officers. A large fire was also set near a Baptist church.

Story developing…
Tension between police and residents of Baltimore continued Monday following the funeral service for Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old man who died of a serious spinal cord injury after an arrest earlier this month.
Clashes between police and students intensified Monday afternoon, the Washington Post reports. According to the Maryland Transit Administration, the Mondawmin and Penn North Metro Stations were shut down until further notice.

A large percentage of students in Baltimore commute to school on city transportation, leaving many stranded in an area of high police activity.

Home » Nation » LIVESTREAM: Protests In Baltimore – Police Clash With Youth, Shut Down Transit System
LIVESTREAM: Protests In Baltimore – Police Clash With Youth, Shut Down Transit System
Comments: 5  | Leave A Comment
Apr 27, 2015 By Christina Coleman
Baltimore Police Freddie Gray protests
Source: Alex Wong / Getty
Following the burning of a local CVS store and heightened clashes, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has declared a state of emergency in Baltimore and has activated the National Guard to assist police, USA Today reports.
During a Monday evening press conference, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called the protestors “thugs,” adding that authorities would not allow individuals to destroy the city’s property.

A 10 p.m. to 5 p.m. curfew has been imposed starting Tuesday. At least 15 police officers were injured in the clashes and two are hospitalized as of Monday evening. Baltimore city schools are closed Tuesday and the Baltimore Orioles postponed a Monday night game with the Chicago White Sox. According to USA Today, more than two dozen people have been arrested for looting stores, including the now-charred CVS pharmacy, and throwing objects at officers. A large fire was also set near a Baptist church.

Story developing…
Tension between police and residents of Baltimore continued Monday following the funeral service for Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old man who died of a serious spinal cord injury after an arrest earlier this month.
Clashes between police and students intensified Monday afternoon, the Washington Post reports. According to the Maryland Transit Administration, the Mondawmin and Penn North Metro Stations were shut down until further notice.

A large percentage of students in Baltimore commute to school on city transportation, leaving many stranded in an area of high police activity.


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