quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2019

PSOL vai processar Lobão e irmãos Bolsonaro por fake news e ódio contra Jean Wyllys

Partido prepara inúmeras ações judiciais contra aqueles que propagaram notícias falas e discurso de ódio contra Jean Wyllys depois que o deputado anunciou sua renúncia ao mandato por ameaças de morte
O PSOL anunciou, em nota divulgada nesta quarta-feira (30), que prepara ações judiciais contra o cantor Lobão, o deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) e o vereador Carlos Bolsonaro (PSL-RJ). Eles fazem parte do grupo de dezenas de pessoas que serão processadas pelo partido por propagarem fake news e discurso de ódio contra o ex-deputado federal Jean Wyllys.
As postagens que serão questionadas pelo PSOL na Justiça vieram depois do anúncio, na semana passada, de que Wyllys deixaria o Brasil e renunciaria ao seu mandato por conta de ameaças de morte que vem sofrendo há anos e que se intensificaram nos últimos meses.
Pelas redes sociais, Lobão sugeriu que o parlamentar tomou a decisão de sair do Brasil por, supostamente, “estar envolvido” com o atentado contra Jair Bolsonaro, em setembro do ano passado. A fake news foi compartilhada por centenas de internautas, que PSOL também já está mapeando para futuras ações.
Já os irmãos Bolsonaro ironizaram a decisão do deputado que, para o PSOL, trata-se de incitação à violência, uma vez que as motivações de Wyllys para deixar o país são justamente as ameaças de morte que partem de apoiadores da família Bolsonaro. Carlos, por exemplo, tuitou um “vá com Deus” assim que o psolista anunciou sua decisão, e sua postagem gerou uma onda de ódio nas redes sociais. Já Eduardo chegou a sugerir que Wyllys mentiu quando disse que sofria ameaças na Câmara dos Deputados.
“Não é possível tolerar, principalmente de figuras públicas com grande relevância nas redes sociais, que questionem algo tão grave como a ameaça à vida de um deputado federal”, diz a nota do PSOL, que vai pedir na Justiça que os parlamentares sejam enquadrados no artigo 286 do Código Penal, que trata da incitação ao crime e pode resultar em detenção de três a seis meses ou multa.
A legenda de Jean Wyllys prepara ainda processos contra a blogueira do PSL, Regina Villela, e o engenheiro Antonio Carlos Bronzeri. Ambos gravaram um vídeo que viralizou nas redes em que repetem a mesma fake news destilada por Lobão e proferem discursos de ódio contra o primeiro deputado assumidamente gay da história do Congresso Nacional.
A ofensiva judicial do PSOL em prol de Jean Wyllys segue ainda com um pedido que o partido fará para ter direito de resposta no programa Morning Show, da Jovem Pan. “O jornalista Caio Coppola questionou se Jean sofria mesmo ameaças (mesmo com medida cautelar concedida pela Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos da OEA e escolta do Congresso Nacional), ajudando a difusão das mentiras e afirmando que ele queria “construir uma narrativa”. Além disso, insultou diversas vezes Jean Wyllys no programa, ao vivo”, escreveu, em nota, o partido.

Multa de R$ 98 milhões a Edir Macedo, dono da Record, por sonegar

© Fornecido por Catraca Livre Portal e Comunicação Ltda
Um dos principais aliados de Jair Bolsonaro nos meios de comunicação, Edir Macedo foi multado em R$ 98 milhões por sonegação de impostos.
Notícia da Folha.
O TRF-1 (Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região) decidiu na tarde desta segunda-feira (28) que o Ministério Público Federal é competente para propor ação civil pública contra a Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Iurd).
A igreja contestava a competência da Procuradoria de cobrar dela R$ 98,3 milhões em impostos, argumentando que já existe um órgão para fazer essa cobrança, que é a Receita Federal.
Com a decisão do tribunal, a ação do Ministério Público Federal volta a ser avaliada pela primeira instância, de onde havia saído para a competência ser julgada.

Do the police take the disappearances of gay men seriously enough

OPINION: An alleged gay serial killer in Canada again raises difficult questions around relations between gay communities and police

Do the police take the disappearances of gay men seriously enough?
Toronto police have charged Bruce McArthur with the murder of (L-R) Soroush Mahmudi, Majeed Kayhan and Dean Lisowick (Photos: Toronto Police)
Police in Toronto announced yesterday they were charging Bruce McArthur with three further homicides.
They first charged McArthur, 66, a local landscape gardener, a couple of weeks ago with the murder of two gay men who disappeared in 2017.
Despite not locating any bodies at the time, police expressed confidence in bringing charges. They also said more victims might emerge.
That fear became a reality yesterday when they announced that they had found three sets of skeletal human remains in planters at locations connected with McArthur. He is now charged with five murders – all men who have gone missing in the last eight years.


This is now turning into an unprecedented serial killer investigation in Canada. It’s one that has unsurprisingly unnerved the local LGBTI community.
‘Next time our community says there’s a serial killer in our midst, fucking listen,’ commented one person on Facebook under footage of the police press conference on Facebook.
They were referring to the fact that many in the LGBTI village have been troubled by the disappearance of men in the last few years – to the extent of organizing their own searches and campaigning for the police to do more.
Of course, police can only go on evidence. Toronto police chief Mark Saunders said at a press conference in December he had no evidence of any connection between the then missing men, or that foul play was involved.
Many on the gay scene suspected otherwise. As local journalist Justin Ling expressed it in a piece summing up local frustration last year: ‘People don’t just disappear.’

Stephen Port

Hearing about the investigation into McArthur, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Stephen Port case in the UK.
Port was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2016 after being found guilty of the murder of four men and the rape of several others. Port met his young victims via hook-up apps and dating sites. He would invite them to his East London flat and drugged them with GHB.
He would leave their bodies in his local neighborhood. Three of the men were left propped up in the same churchyard.
Police at first regarded the deaths as being due to accidental overdose and concluded there was no link between them. This was despite the protestations from friends and families of the men that they didn’t believe their loved ones would have died in this way.
Many in the local LGBTI community were angry that police were seemingly quick to dismiss the deaths of young gay men as simply being due to drug misadventure. The Met Police were strongly criticized for missing opportunities to have investigated and stop Port sooner.

Difficult questions for police

Of course, there are many differences between the cases of Port and McArthur. In London, police found bodies but didn’t realize then men had been murdered. In Canada, police had no bodies – simply missing people.
It’s believed McArthur knew or had relationships with some of the men he is now suspected of killing.
But there are also similarities. Both cases involved gay/bi men. For many straight people, gay male subculture – whether it involves hook-up apps, cruising grounds, drugs or the closet – is an alien culture. Joining the dots or making connections may not be as obvious when it comes to investigating such cases.
In both instances, those in the gay community raised their concerns with the police. Both expressed frustration their concerns were not addressed quickly enough.
Authorities in Canada say they undertook a slow and methodical investigation. McArthur’s trial will no doubt reveal more about that investigation. But the case also raises questions.
  • Do the police take seriously the concerns of LGBTI communities when it comes to missing people? Or is there an unconscious bias at play that leads to the downplaying of such concerns?
  • Do the police act swiftly to investigate the dating app activity of missing people, and are the apps cooperating quickly?
  • Are we, as a community, doing enough to promote safety when it comes to dating apps and hook-ups? Do you always tell someone else when you go to meet someone?
I hope police in Toronto locate and identify all the missing men McArthur is alleged to have killed. But I also hope they didn’t miss any opportunities to investigate McArthur sooner.
Fonte. https://www.gaystarnews.com/

Celebrity fitness instructor on fathering twins after 12 surrogacy attempts

Celebrity fitness instructor on fathering twins after 12 surrogacy attempts

‘Never go to bed angry’ says 'Insanity' instructor Shaun T - who became dad to twin sons with husband Scott Blokker

Celebrity fitness instructor on fathering twins after 12 surrogacy attempts
Shaun T and Scott Blokker with their twin sons (Photo: Shaunt | Instagram)
US fitness instructor, Shaun T, famed for his ‘Insanity’ workout, has opened up about some of the ways becoming a dad has changed his life. He and husband Scott Blokker, with sons Silas Rhys and Sander Vaughn, grace the February cover of Parents magazine.
Shaun and husband Scott had long wanted to be dads. However, they did not expect how complicated the process would prove for them. Over the course of six years, they went through 12 surrogacy attempts with five different surrogates. This included a miscarriage.
Finally, back in October 2017, they announced that they were close to the arrival of their baby twins.
Silas Rhys and Sander Vaughn arrived 1 November 2017. They share the same egg donor. Shaun’s sperm created Sander while Scott’s sperm was used for Silas.

Premature arrival

However, the arrival of the twins was far from being the end of Shaun and Scott’s problems. The boys, born two minutes apart, arrived at 32 weeks. They spent their first three weeks of life in NICU.
The men, who married in 2012, admit that the first months of being parents was particularly challenging and stressful.
‘It was terrible,’ recalls Shaun, laughing now.
‘We got into more fights than we’d ever had in our entire relationship,’ says husband Scott. ‘I even questioned whether we’d ruined our marriage by having kids, but it wasn’t the kids. It was the not sleeping!’

‘Never go to bed angry’

The baby’s at first awoke every two hours throughout the night, but finally began to settle down. The men say they’ve now got an effective routine going, and play to each others strengths.
‘I do all the planning—babysitters, shopping, doctors—and Shaun brings the fun,’ says Scott. He says it also helps greatly that they live next door to his parents, who have helped out tremendously.
‘I’ve received two great pieces of advice,’ Shaun continues. ‘Scott’s dad told me, “You’re not coming into the babies’ world. They’re coming into yours,” and that made me eager to show them the life we live.
‘The second was from my grandfather, who was married to my grandmother for 56 years. He said, “Never go to bed angry,” and we don’t. The connectedness you feel at the end of the day is the driving force for how you wake up the next day, so every night we fall asleep holding hands.’
H/T: Parents
Shaun and Scott grace the February cover of Parents magazine
Shaun and Scott grace the February cover of Parents magazine (Image: Parents)


"Policiamento com Orgulho" De pé contra o ódio

A cidade mais amigável da comunidade LGBTI da Flórida, Wilton Manors, recebe carro de polícia do arco-íris
A cidade de Wilton Manors, na Flórida, tem uma das maiores populações residentes LGBTI nos EUA.

O novo carro arco-íris do Departamento de Polícia de Wilton Manors (Foto: Joe Minotto)
30 de janeiro de 2019 13:56 GMTDavid Hudson
Apenas a tempo para um 5K Pride correr um par de fins de semana, o Departamento de Polícia em Wilton Manors, Flórida, revelou seu novo carro-patrulha. Em uma clara demonstração de apoio para a comunidade LGBTI local, ele possui um enorme design de arco-íris.

A cidade de Broward County é um dos lugares mais amigáveis ​​para os LGBTI nos EUA. Tem uma população LGBTI considerável. De fato, após as eleições de novembro passado, todo o seu conselho é povoado por pessoas LGBTI. Isso faz com que seja apenas a segunda cidade dos EUA a fazer tal afirmação, depois de Palm Springs, na Califórnia.

Policiamento com orgulho
"Embora o nosso veículo do Departamento de Polícia de Wilton Manors" Policiamento com Orgulho "seja novo, o significado por trás dele e dessa iniciativa não é", disse a policial Jennifer Bickhardt Graziose ao "Gay Star News".
O carro traz o slogan "Policiamento com Orgulho" (Foto: Joe Minotto

De pé contra o ódio
Ela disse que o departamento estava comprometido em enfrentar o ódio.

"Juntos, podemos tomar uma posição contra o ódio. Encorajamos qualquer um de nossa comunidade que tenha sido vítima de um crime de ódio - independentemente da natureza ou do tipo de incidente - a se manifestar, denuncie o crime ou incidente. Trabalhe conosco para levar os criminosos à justiça.

O morador local, Joe Minotto, disse ao Gay Star News que o veículo - e a mensagem por trás dele - o impressionou. Ele tirou as fotos aqui quando viu fora da prefeitura recentemente.

"Ter a cidade mostrando apoio à população gay é tudo. Especialmente quando nosso governo federal tem alimentado o ódio e o medo. Ser visível é importante.

Além de eleger o conselho LGBTI e o governo do prefeito, a vizinha Fort Lauderdale também votou em seu primeiro prefeito abertamente gay. Dean Trantalis, 64 anos, um advogado de Wilton Manors, assumiu o cargo no ano passado.


"As coisas estão mudando aqui no nosso município", observou Minotto.

O emblema do arco-íris ao lado do novo esquadrão
O distintivo do arco-íris ao lado do novo esquadrão (Foto: Joe Minotto)

Esta cidade da Flórida é agora inteiramente dirigida por pessoas LGBTI
Como é mudar de um bairro gay para uma cidade pequena quando mais velho?

"O Departamento de Polícia de Wilton Manors está comprometido com o policiamento com paixão por nossa profissão e com compaixão por aqueles a quem servimos. Todos os dias nós protegemos e servimos a todos em nossa comunidade, não importa quem você é, como você é, de onde você é ou quem você ama.

‘Cada Policial Wilton Manors é juramentado por“ Proteger e Servir ”e por“ Polícia com Orgulho ”- Orgulho em relação a si e ao outro, orgulho em direção ao distintivo e orgulho por nossa comunidade.



Florida’s most LGBTI-friendly city, Wilton Manors, gets rainbow police car

The Florida city of Wilton Manors has one of the highest LGBTI resident populations in the US

Florida’s most LGBTI-friendly city, Wilton Manors, gets rainbow police car
The new Wilton Manors Police Department rainbow car (Photo: Joe Minotto)
Just in time for a 5K Pride run a couple of weekends, the Police Department in Wilton Manors, Florida, unveiled their new squad car. In a clear display of support for the local LGBTI community, it bears a huge rainbow design.
The Broward County city is one of the most LGBTI-friendly places in the US. It has a sizeable LGBTI population. In fact, following last November’s elections, its entire council is populated by LGBTI people. That makes it only the second US city to make such a claim, after Palm Springs in California.

Policing with Pride

‘Although, our Wilton Manors Police Department “Policing with Pride” vehicle is new, the meaning behind it and this initiative is not,’ police officer Jennifer Bickhardt Graziose told Gay Star News.
‘The Wilton Manors Police Department is committed to policing with a passion for our profession and with compassion for those we serve. Every day we protect and serve everyone in our community no matter who you are, what you look like, where you are from, or who you love.
‘Each Wilton Manors Police Officer is sworn under oath to “Protect and Serve” and to “Police with Pride” – Pride toward themselves and each other, Pride toward the Badge and Pride for our Community.’
The car bears the slogan 'Policing with Pride'
The car bears the slogan ‘Policing with Pride’ (Photo: Joe Minotto)

Standing against hate

She said the department was committed in standing up to hate.
‘Together, we can take a stand against hate. We encourage anyone in our community who has been the victim of a hate crime – regardless of the nature or type of incident – to come forward, report the crime or incident. Work with us to bring the perpetrators to justice.’
Local resident, Joe Minotto, told Gay Star News, the vehicle – and message behind it – impressed him. He took the photos here when he spotted it outside City Hall recently.
‘To have the city show support to the gay population is everything. Especially when our federal government has been stoking hatred and fear. Being visible is important.’
Besides electing it’s LGBTI council and mayor government, nearby Fort Lauderdale also voted in its first openly gay mayor. Dean Trantalis, 64, a Wilton Manors attorney, took office last year.
‘Things are changing here in our county,’ noted Minotto.
The rainbow-badge on the side of the new squad car
The rainbow-badge on the side of the new squad car (Photo: Joe Minotto)


Mulher de Moro ataca Lula nas redes sociais e o chama de criminoso.

Nova Iguaçu realiza Dia D Vacinação contra a gripe

A Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Nova Iguaçu (Semus) vai fazer, neste sábado (13), uma grande mobilização para participar do Dia D de Vaci...