segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2017

Ten truths about homosexuality

To begin with, we will name the oxen, or rather the deer. By the way, this is a first question: why did homosexuals call deer? It is only in Brazil that there is this association between deer and homosexual: in Europe deer represents masculinity and is even a national symbol of some countries. Did they relate the gay to the deer because it is an elegant, fine, "cool" pet, of walking delicately like Bamby from the Walt Disney movies? Or because in nature the male deer always walk together and fuck each other? In Pernambuco they call the gays of chicken, in Rio de Janeiro of boiola, in Maranhão of cualira, in Ceará of baitola, in Bahia of chibungo, in the academies of bodybuilding the "muleques" call of auntie, etc, etc. There are more than 60 different names used by the mob to describe our category, almost all used more as an insult than a proper name. The word HOMOSEXUAL is the oldest of all and it means "equal sex," and is therefore applicable to both the man who engages in (gay) man and the woman who has sex with another woman (lesbian). It is a universal word, created in l869 by the gay-Hungarian journalist Benkert. Therefore, homosexual is the one who loves and is attracted to the same sex.
HETEROSEXUAL is the opposite: who likes the opposite sex, and BISSEXUAL is the one who fucks both sexes. There are therefore three predominant forms of sexual orientation: the most practiced is HETEROSEXUALITY, followed by BISEXUALITY and HOMOSEXUALITY. The word GAY is also synonymous with homosexual: it is a term that already existed in the old Portuguese with the same meaning today: gay means "gay" - (even though we do not always have reason to be called "gay boy" ", so many are the bitterness that we have to face in this heterosexist society.
We are all born males or females. It is society that will define us as men or women. The Natural and Social Sciences guarantee that the fact of being born male does not oblige the man to have physical attraction for the opposite sex. In the animal kingdom, yes, instinct determines the male's sexual attraction to the female when she is in heat. Among humans, each people will determine what the sexual life of their members will be like, whether they can have one or more women, whether young people will be able to fuck before marriage, whether homosexuality will be accepted or condemned, if they will castrate some boys to be eunuchs, etc.
Scientific research reveals that 64% of human societies accept homosexuality and 36% condemn homosexual love. Unfortunately we are part of this minority of societies where the human rights of gays and lesbians are not respected. But there are examples of other peoples, such as ancient Greece or Sweden, Denmark and other civilized countries, where homosexuals are respected and protected by the Laws.
The purpose of this information is to demonstrate that prejudice against gays and lesbians is based on ignorance, that discriminating homosexuals is as cruel and inhuman as racism, and that if Brazil wants to become a civilized country, it must imitate not the Iran or Iraq, where the law commands the stoning of homosexuals and adulterous women, but should take as a model the most civilized countries in Europe where gays and lesbians are treated with the same rights of citizenship as other people.
These pages are dedicated mainly to gays, lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals. But anyone, whether heterosexual or bisexual, also has a lot to learn here. This information can help you and others build a better world with less violence and ignorance, where, as the bisexual poet Fernando Pessoa put it, "love is essential, sex is an accident: it can be the same, or it can be different ! "
Let's start the ABCs of Gays by enumerating "10 truths about homosexuality," giving the arguments for you to better understand your own homosexuality and have arguments to counter the indirect attacks and assaults of the ignorant. All information disclosed here is based on scientific books, serious research that can be proven by experts. If you wish to delve into any of these themes, you will find reading directions on this page.
This is the first information that everyone should know. There is no law in Brazil condemning gays, lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals. No one can be arrested for being homosexual. Neither the Criminal Code nor the Federal Constitution condemn homosexuality and its practice among older people and with mutual consent. Prejudice and discrimination, yes, are prohibited by Brazilian laws. If a police officer, authority, or anyone insults, assaults, arrests or discriminates against you or your neighbor because you are gay, lesbian, transsexual or transvestite, you have to respond and report to the nearest police station

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