sábado, 23 de setembro de 2017

I processed the gay "Cure" psycholoca in 2009.

Public Censorship Notice (2) "The Regional Council of Psychology - 5th Region, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 69 of the Code of Disciplinary Processing - CFP Resolution no. 006/2007, in compliance with the final decision reached in the Ethical Disciplinary Procedure No. 0665/04 (0666/04 and 0667/04 - appended), where the following representatives were represented: Eugenio Ibiapino dos Santos, Acyr Corrêa Leite Maya and Regional Council of Psychology - 5ª Region (Officio), comes to censor public censure the publicly Psychologist ROZÂNGELA ALVES JUSTINO, VES JUSTINO inscription no. CRP 05/4917, for failure to comply with Fundamental Principles I, II, VI; Articles 1 (A) and (C); 2 ° B, F, Q; 3rd single paragraph; 16 point A; 20 C, H of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Psychologist (Resolution CFP No. 010/2005). "

Rio de Janeiro, August 24, 2009.
Source. http://www.crprj.org.br/site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/jornal24-comunicacao.pdf

In 2009 he was still leader of the group June 28, an entity that fought for the civil rights of the lgbt community and was present in the struggles of other oppressed society followers, but I would like to remind you that I was one of the authors of the lawsuit against the psychologist Rozangela Alves Justino at CRP Rio in 2009.
I realized that this movement led by this lady could cause serious consequences and later achieve a great repercussion in Brazilian society.
In 2009 the aforementioned psychologist created a group called ex - gays, who together with the media of the more conservative evangelical churches made a systematic campaign against the anti - homophobia fight. However, facing all the dangers that existed for LGBTs, I joined in the process for the psychologist's cassation, understanding that all that brainwashing reinforced and consolidated a culture of extermination of the LGBT community not only in the Rio de Janeiro state as in the whole of Brazil.

Currently the world watches embarrassed Brazil rewind the strides towards the ceaseless struggle of thousands of lgbts people who still have their rights denied on account of their sexual orientation and gender belongs.

This decision of Federal Judge Waldemar Cláudio de Carvalho, of the 14th Federal Court of the Federal District, and accepted the request of Psychologist Rozangela Justino, to authorize the psychologist to practice the notorious aversion therapies, does not confront only the civil rights of lgbts people, but is a delay for democracy and for science, given that only WHO can say what really is disease, is not a judge, nor the priest, nor the pastor among others

Let us recall some historical facts.

On May 17, 1990, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed homosexuality from the international list of diseases. Not long ago the whole world, even the most liberal countries, was dealing with the issue of sexual choice as a public health case.
Before 1990, homosexuality was considered a mental illness
In 1886, sexologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing listed homosexuality and 200 other case studies of sexual practices in his work Psychopathia Sexualis. Krafft-Ebing proposed that homosexuality was caused by a "congenital inversion" that occurred during birth or was acquired by the individual.
In 1952, the American Psychiatric Association published in its first Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that homosexuality was a disorder, which led to the sexual option being studied by a scientist, who ended up failing several times in trying to prove that homosexuality was, scientifically, a mental disorder. In the absence of this evidence, the American Psychiatric Association withdrew the sexual choice from the list of mental disorders in 1973.
In 1975, the American Psychological Association adopted the same position and instructed professionals not to deal with this type of thinking anymore, avoiding bias and false stigma.
However, the World Health Organization included homosexuality in the International Classification of Diseases of 1977 (ICD) as a mental illness, but in reviewing the list of diseases in 1990, the sexual option was withdrawn. For this reason, May 17 was marked as International Day Against Homophobia.
But despite this international resolution, each country and culture treats the issue of homosexuality differently. Brazil, for example, through the Federal Council of Psychology no longer considered the sexual option as a disease in 1985, even before the WHO resolution. On the other hand, China only took action in 2001.
Humanity walks to understand that the orientation of a person means only a difference, that needs to be respected, that a person's character has no influence whatsoever on his sexual orientation.
Therefore, I joined this process in the CRP (Regional Council of

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