quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2019

Teachers go on strike against reform of Bolsonaro and by readjustment.

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In an assembly in the center of São Paulo, workers from the state public network announced a strike for April 26. They are fighting against pension reform, in addition to requiring a readjustment of 14.54%
by Gabriel Valery, RBA published 03/22/2019 19h03, last modified 22/03/2019 22h16
Apeoesp na paulista.jpg
In addition to rejecting the Bolsonaro project, teachers demand a salary readjustment of 14.54% for the category

São Paulo - Teachers from the state education system approved today (22), in assembly, a state of strike against President Jair Bolsonaro's (PSL) pension reform project, which hinders access to retirement. The stoppage will be defined on April 26, after regional meetings promoted by the Union of Teachers of Official Teaching of the State of São Paulo (Apeoesp). The decision was taken in action on this National Day of Struggle in Defense of Social Security, which crowded the Republic Square in the center of the capital.

In the early afternoon, hundreds of teachers already occupied the square, in the central region of São Paulo. In addition to rejecting the Bolsonaro project, they require a salary readjustment of 14.54% for the category. At around 4 pm, the organization announced the number of 15 thousand servers taking the streets around the square. Apeoesp, which aims to unify the movement with other categories, has also announced that it will build a national general strike for education workers with the plants.

Another point addressed by teachers was the launch of the "Books Yes, No Weapons" campaign against Bolsonaro's arms policy, which seeks to facilitate citizens' access to firearms. "We do not want the militarization of schools, we want more employees, we want multidisciplinary teams and more teachers," said Apeoesp president, State Representative Maria Izabel de Azevedo Noronha, Bebel.

Chilean Reform
Bebel invited a Chilean professor to participate in the act. Bolsonaro is in the Latin country, and says to mirror in the country's privately funded pension fund. Raul Dervia stated that "this reform that they want to pass in Brazil was imposed in Chile 40 years ago by the dictatorship of Pinochet," which took power in 1973 and changed the system in 1981. "There is no social security in Chile, there is individual capitalization. They should not allow them to approve this reform here.The salaries of retirees in Chile do not allow them to live.It is a quarter of a minimum wage, on average.Nobody lives like this, "he said.

"This reform directly attacks the working class, especially women, we will have to contribute 40 years, that is the death of the entire worker, we need an economic plan, a job, we need the valuation of the minimum wage. "said Bebel." We are going to have a lot of work to do, "he said. With the end of the assembly, workers continued in a march to Avenida Paulista, where a unified act against the reform was carried out.


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