quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

Being gay is not a profession
* Eugenio Ibiapino.

On August 29, the city of New Delhi stopped because of Parade 7th LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender). According to estimates attended by over 150 000 people, thus consolidating an important advancement of LGBT social movement in the city and region that had this great victory without the support of the executive as it did in previous years. The Gay parade, as it is popularly known, became an event that will appear in the official calendar of the city, it is the most popular event in the city of New Delhi and has popular support, given the amount of parents who attend with their children for sanctioning the event. Regarding safety, we never had the police complaint about any irregularity that needed to be registered in police stations. What happens is little problems like any big event, such as drunkenness or minor disagreements. With this, we can state categorically that in New Delhi held the parade safer than Rio de Janeiro. Another important factor is the work of health information and human rights that occur in this event, thus gaining a pedagogical character so important, not only for the gay community, as well as for the entire population, since when fighting prejudice, all world wins. Unfortunately this event has lost its political and social identity in several cities in Brazil and the world, because many people go for this activity, not to honor the fight against homophobia, but to commit lewd acts, drug use, do "trawler" Among other torts. This reality is confirmed by the police on several stops of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The parades have been held since 1969, when tired of violence police a group of homosexuals in New York decided to face repression from the police in a bar called Stonewal and to this day all the world takes to the streets to denounce homophobia and discrimination against homosexuals. As this event has become a way of making money and lots of people to get rich, the timing of the stops lasts the entire year in Brazil. Many people call the June 28 day of gay pride, although I do not agree with this statement, because nobody is better or worse because of their sexual orientation. The most important thing a person is not their orientation, but his character, the social work that this person is doing to transform the society and the world today. Bear in mind that every couple of days a person is performed in Brazil because of homophobia, not that the guilty are punished, that LGBT teens are being driven from home by his parents and being thrown into the street prostitution and the world of drugs, that most lesbians are not getting the Baixada formal employment because of the prejudice that homosexuals in the Baixada Fluminense can not even finish primary school because of the homophobia of teachers and classmates. What in many countries is just a simple difference, both in Brazil causes pain and social exclusion. The stakes are no longer able to portray this sad reality. Of course we do not want a sad event and boring, but we do want, luxury, glamor, glitz and glam. But we can not mask a reality experienced by the majority of gay workers. Because not everything in life is perfect, the 7th stop LGBT New Delhi, also served as a stage for political opportunists, who never did anything for the cause LGBT rise in trios and brazenly conduct their election campaigns, with the connivance of those responsible for these electric trios and inertia of the electoral court of the city, considering that the request for review the day of the event and receive the righteousness of silence. For us social activists, not just be gay, heterosexual or bisexual, it is important to seek their full citizenship while you can, fight for a decent home, back to school, do a good course, have a good job and thus be respected. Singer Gonzaguinha already said that without his work the man has no honor, and it is exactly for this honor that we must fight daily. We do not want too, that the citizenry that our main struggle is for gay marriage, marriage is an issue that remains in the field of religion, and each has its dogmas. What we seek is respect for our civil rights, including the term "sexual orientation" in the Federal Constitution, insertion of homophobia (hatred, fear, against homosexuals) in the Criminal Code as a felony equivalent to racism. Finally, we would like to remind politicians and the general public that homosexuals already have more than ten per cent of contemporary society, who votes, pays taxes and is everywhere. • Founder of the LGBT movement in the Baixada, • General Coordinator of the LGBT Parade in New Delhi; • Vice Chairman of the Group on June 28. • Email.Grupo28dejunho@yahoo.com.br

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