No estado do Espirito Santo :HOMEM TROCA ESPOSA PELO SOGRO
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Oswaldo Nunes Bissoli, 37 anos, comerciante e persona non grata na Família Oliveira Lafaiette. O estopim para o ódio se deu a partir da revelação que genro e sogro mantinhamrelações íntimas em segredo e desejam tornar público o amor que compartilhavam.
Antonio Novaes Lafaiette, 60 anos, bancário e pai de três filhas surpreendeu amigos e familiares ao abandonar o lar onde viveu por 32 anos para viver com Oswaldo este amor ‘proibido’. Natália Oliveira Lafaiette, 59 anos, aposentada e abandonada está à base de ansiolíticos desde que soube do fato.
As famílias que moram no município de Vila Velha no Espírito Santo nunca suspeitaram que a amizade entre genro e sogro transcendesse os limites fraternais. Ambos durante anos cultuavam o hábito de pescar e por isso viajavam pelos recantos mais belos do Brasil em busca de rios em que pudessem colocar suas varas.
A impactante descoberta se deu quando Oswaldo pediu para seu cunhado A.O.L. 17 anos formatasse seu computador. Curioso o jovem decidiu “conhecer melhor” o computador antes de realizar o serviço. Neste momento ele se depara com uma pasta repleta de fotos íntimas do sigiloso casal.
Karina Oliveira Lafaiette 35 anos, professora e esposa traída, num momento de fúria decidiu enviar as fotos íntimas deles para amigos e familiares do casal e hoje responde a um processo por violação de privacidade. Quem viu as fotos diz que o comerciante possuía uma ‘pequena empresa’ enquanto o seu sogro era detentor de um ‘grande negócio’.
In the state of Espirito Santo : MAN WIFE SWAP BY FATHER
Oswaldo Nunes Bissoli , 37, trader and persona non grata in the Family Oliveira Lafaiette . The trigger for hatred took from the revelation that father and son intimate mantinhamrelações secret and want to make love they shared public.
Antonio Novaes Lafaiette , 60, banking and father of three daughters surprised friends and family to leave the home where she lived for 32 years to live with Oswaldo love this ' forbidden ' . Natália Oliveira Lafaiette , 59, is retired and abandoned -based anxiolytics since I learned the fact .
Families living in the municipality of Vila Velha in the Holy Spirit never suspected that the friendship between father and son transcend the limits fraternal . Both worshiped for years in the habit of fishing and so traveled by the most beautiful corners of Brazil in search of rivers where they could put their sticks .
The shocking discovery was when Oswaldo asked his brother AOL 17 years format your computer. Curious young man decided to " know better " your computer before performing the service . At this time he is faced with a folder full of intimate pictures of the secret couple.
Karina Oliveira Lafaiette 35, teacher and betrayed wife in a moment of rage decided to send intimate photos of them to friends and family of the couple and today responds to a lawsuit for breach of privacy . Who saw the photos said that the dealer had a ' small business ' while his father was owner of a ' big deal' .
thanks for visiting my blog and my facebook profile. kiss the heart.
In the state of Espirito Santo : MAN WIFE SWAP BY FATHER
Oswaldo Nunes Bissoli , 37, trader and persona non grata in the Family Oliveira Lafaiette . The trigger for hatred took from the revelation that father and son intimate mantinhamrelações secret and want to make love they shared public.
Antonio Novaes Lafaiette , 60, banking and father of three daughters surprised friends and family to leave the home where she lived for 32 years to live with Oswaldo love this ' forbidden ' . Natália Oliveira Lafaiette , 59, is retired and abandoned -based anxiolytics since I learned the fact .
Families living in the municipality of Vila Velha in the Holy Spirit never suspected that the friendship between father and son transcend the limits fraternal . Both worshiped for years in the habit of fishing and so traveled by the most beautiful corners of Brazil in search of rivers where they could put their sticks .
The shocking discovery was when Oswaldo asked his brother AOL 17 years format your computer. Curious young man decided to " know better " your computer before performing the service . At this time he is faced with a folder full of intimate pictures of the secret couple.
Karina Oliveira Lafaiette 35, teacher and betrayed wife in a moment of rage decided to send intimate photos of them to friends and family of the couple and today responds to a lawsuit for breach of privacy . Who saw the photos said that the dealer had a ' small business ' while his father was owner of a ' big deal' .
thanks for visiting my blog and my facebook profile. kiss the heart.
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