The American police are violent towards black people and malleable and weak towards fascists.


It was unfortunate what the whole world saw today in the USA. Fascist militants supported by Trump invade the capitol where parliamentarians were gathered to make official the result of the last election in which the most voted was candidate John Biden.

However, in 2020 we were horrified by the violence that the black American people went through when they took to the streets fighting against racism. The police were terribly violent at that time, but what we saw today was a mean, fearful, and disoriented police. So when it comes to repressing the poorest, it is agile and extremely tough.

I wish the new president good luck and that starting today he will prepare his security organs to support his people in the fight against racism in favor of democracy, but when facing the fascists, be as energetic as it is to suppress the demonstrations of the black people account intolerance and racism.

Eugenio Ibiapino



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