Women will be able to enlist in the Military Service starting January 1st

Militares do Exército marcham durante desfile do 7 de setembro

They will need to turn 18 in 2025.

Starting next year, women will also be able to enlist in the military. Between January 1st and June 30th, those who turn 18 in 2025 will be able to volunteer for one of the 1,645 vacancies, distributed in 28 cities in 13 states, in addition to the Federal District. There are 1,010 opportunities for the Army, 155 for the Navy and 300 for the Air Force.

Candidates will be able to enlist online or in person at a Military Service Board. The required documentation will be: birth certificate or proof of naturalization; proof of residence; and official document with photo, such as an identity card or work card.

In addition to being born in 2007, women must have residency in one of the cities covered by the General Conscription Plan. These are:

Aguas Lindas de Goiás (GO)

Belém (PA)

Belo Horizonte (MG)

Brasília (DF)

Campo Grande (MS)

Canoas (RS)

Western City (GO)

Corumbá (MS)

Curitiba (PR)

Florianópolis (SC)

Formosa (GO)

Fortaleza (CE)

Guaratinguetá (SP)

Juiz de Fora (MG)

Ladario (MS)

Lagoa Santa (MG)

Luziânia (GO)

Manaus (AM)

Novo Gama (GO)

Pirassununga (SP)

Planaltina (GO)

Porto Alegre (RS)

Recife (PE)

Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

Salvador (BA)

Santa Maria (RS)

Santo Antônio do Descoberto (GO)

São Paulo (SP)

Valparaíso de Goiás (GO)


The selection There will be an interview, health inspection (clinical and laboratory exams) and physical tests. Women will be able to choose the Force they wish to join, however, the availability of vacancies, the candidate's aptitude and the specific requirements of the Navy, Army and Air Force will be taken into consideration.

Once incorporated, women will occupy the rank of soldier, known as recruit sailor in the Navy, and will have the same rights and duties as men. Incorporation may occur in the first half of 2026 (from March 2 to 6) or in the second half (from August 3 to 7). Military service will last 12 months and may be extended for up to eight years.

Current situation

Currently, the Armed Forces have 37 thousand women, which corresponds to approximately 10% of the total personnel. They work in the Armed Forces mainly in the areas of health, education and logistics or have access to the combat area through specific public competitions in educational institutions, such as the Naval College (CN), of the Navy, the Preparatory School for Army Cadets (EsPCEx) and the Preparatory School for Air Cadets (EPCAR), of the Air Force.

The Ministry of Defense intends to progressively increase the number of women recruited for the Female Initial Military Service, reaching the rate of 20% of vacancies.

Source: Jornal Extra


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