Prisão para todos os corruptos não importa o partido.

Prison for all corrupt no matter the party.

Embora tudo isso seja um grande circo, um grande espetáculo. Essa pena aos presos da Petrobrás é uma vergonha.
Não  temos partido capaz de apresentar  projetos de lei  pelo voto opcional e outra Lei tornando a corrupção crime hediondo.
Assim, depois de alguns poucos anos de prisão esses infames que  roubaram o dinheiro público estão de novo em suas mansões desfrutando da nossa grana que deveria  está sendo investida na sobras sociais.
Todos os  acusados precisam ser investigados e punidos com severidade
A Policia Federal  levou o ex presidente Lula á força para depor, enquanto  isso o presidente do Congresso já esta comprovado  que  o  mesmo tem envolvimento em vários delitos e até agora nem o Ministério publico e nem a policia Federal o levou a força par a cadeia.
Se for para prender corrupto, que seja com todos os acusados e processados por este crime, não é o que está acontecendo no Brasil. A Polícia Federal  e o Ministério publico estão   sendo maleáveis com alguns dos envolvidos.

Estou de olho bem aberto!

Prison for all corrupt no matter the party.
While all this is a big circus, a great show. Such a punishment to prisoners of Petrobras is a shame.
We have no party able to present bills for optional voting and other law making corruption a heinous crime.
So after a few years in prison those infamous who stole public money are again in their mansions enjoying our money should is being invested in social leftovers.
All the accused have to be investigated and punished severely
The Federal Police took former President Lula will force to testify, meanwhile the president of Congress already proven that it is involved in various crimes and so far neither the public prosecutors and not the Federal Police led the force couple to jail.
If to hold corrupt, that is with all the accused and prosecuted for this crime, is not what is happening in Brazil. The Federal Police and the public ministry are flexible with some of those involved.
I'm very open eye!
will for all corrupt no matter the party.
While all this is a big circus, a great show. Such a punishment to prisoners of Petrobras is a shame.
We have no party able to present bills for optional voting and other law making corruption a heinous crime.
So after a few years in prison those infamous who stole public money are again in their mansions enjoying our money should is being invested in social leftovers.
All the accused have to be investigated and punished severely
The Federal Police took former President Lula will force to testify, meanwhile the president of Congress already proven that it is involved in various crimes and so far neither the public prosecutors and not the Federal Police led the force couple to jail.
If to hold corrupt, that is with all the accused and prosecuted for this crime, is not what is happening in Brazil. The Federal Police and the public ministry are flexible with some of those involved.

I'm very open eye!


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