Poxa, Dilma
Veta, Dilma
Camila Pitanga, cujo brado retumbante “Veta, Dilma” se tornou movimento contra o projeto do Código Florestal aprovado no Congresso, não se contentou com a decisão da presidente de vetar só alguns pontos: “O que estava péssimo ficou apenas ruim.”
A expectativa dos ambientalistas, diz, era de veto total.
Dilma Damn!
Veta, Dilma
Camila Pitanga (actress) whose resounding cry "Veta, Dilma" became the movement against the project of the Forestry Codeapproved by Congress, not satisfied with the decision of thePresident to veto only a few points: "What was terrible was just bad."
The expectation of environmentalists, he says, was the president's veto.
Veta, Dilma
Camila Pitanga (actress) whose resounding cry "Veta, Dilma" became the movement against the project of the Forestry Codeapproved by Congress, not satisfied with the decision of thePresident to veto only a few points: "What was terrible was just bad."
The expectation of environmentalists, he says, was the president's veto.